2014年9月24日 星期三

SPD4459 關於我們 About us - The Little White Shoes

(SPD4459 The Little White Shoes )我們是網絡市場學及公共關係的學生。此部落格名為 ”小白鞋。白鞋是指白飯魚,是香港人對白布鞋的俗稱。有些人認為白鞋全身白色,像兩條白飯魚,於是便給它這個別稱 。久而久之,大家都習慣叫白鞋做白飯魚了。




此部落格每星期會以不同街道作為主體 ,透過街道歷史、地標、特色,從不同角度欣賞中西區將中西區的古蹟歷史呈現大家眼前!

About us:

We are students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations. This blog called “The Little White Shoes”. Hong Kong-ers named white shoes as a fish breed –Noodlefish (白飯魚) because it looks like it so this is why the nickname is given. Over time, everyone used to call white shoes as Noodlefish (白飯魚) and commonly known in Hong Kong.

In fashion perspective, white shoes are always viewed as an in-fashion item. In-fashion is an adjective that can be used to describe the Western-Central district adequately. Although Western-Central district was early developed, this district has remain its old-look and modern simultaneously after variety of activation and conservation projects.

The white shoes are definitely one of the collective memories among Hong Kong-ers. The white shoes reflect Hong Kong spirit abundantly especially in the period from the fifties to seventies. Therefore, we wish to introduce the Western-Central district to the new generation and tourists through “The Little White Shoes”.

We will use different streets as the weekly-topic and present the heritage of Western-Central district to you all through its history, landmark and features! 

*Edited by Students of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

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